Vision Quest Breathwork

On hustle vs. magnetism and yogic magic

One of my all-time favourite Yogi Bhajan quotes goes like this:

“There are two ways to achieve things in life. One is to go and get it, the other is to be it and get it.”

Let’s break this down quickly.

The Pranic and Radiant Body

In yogic technology terms, “go and get it” refers to the pranic body, our internal hustle, our ability to engage in authentic action.

“Be it and get it”, on the other hand, refers to our auric and radiant bodies— our ability to effortlessly magnetize everything to us.

Consider the most divinely perfect things that you’ve ever welcomed into your life. It could be a career that aligns with your soul, a pet that you know you’re connected to on a spirit level, a dream home, or the love of your life.

You didn’t really have control over the steps that ultimately led to you connecting with them, did you? In the final analysis, it was some kind of magical kismet that brought them in.

How to Use Them to Create Magic

But wait, doesn’t that mean we have no control over our destiny? Thankfully, nope.

First, the pranic body— the hustle, the inspired actions that flow from your desire, the intelligent strategy— work towards your magnetizing efforts. Rumi, Kabir, and the entire yogic tradition agree that what you seek seeks you, and the best way to signal to the universe definitively what you seek is to actually take action towards it (and in the process, usually get more information about and refine your actual end-goals).

Second, we can do a whole lot to program and structure our aura and radiant bodies so as to magnetize the right things. First, we clear out karmas that we’re carrying which might not even be ours, then we use mantra (literally mind-wave) to reprogram our personal energetic signature.

A practice like this might include two of my favourite meditations, the Meditation for the Arcline and to Clear the Karmas and Gyan Chakra Kriya.

When you start to work these two levels in tandem, magic starts to flow. The universe speaks in rhymes, and once you shift your energetic signature, the 5D world catches up.

Then the work shifts to expanding your havingness level and being able to hold the prosperity, capacity for joy, intimacy, and connection— but we’ll talk about that next week 😇